Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week 5 Prompt

E-book only books are hard to find in the library collection, unless it's a popular author, and even then it's not guaranteed. E-books need a review guide of their own, so libraries and readers know what's coming out. A lot of times if an author publishes a short story in e-book form it has to be requested by the library patrons that are looking for it or found though Amazon or another online source.

The e-book romance reviews both seem reliable. One is from an Amazon customer and the other is from a blog review. The blog review is less glowing than the Amazon review, but the blog still gives 3 out of 5 stars. So, as long as I could find the rest of the series for purchase this seems like a good holiday romance read to add to the library's collection.

The reviews show that "Angela's Ashes" is a powerful and gripping story through writing and content. It is something that the library should have in its collection to give patrons the option to read if they are interested. It isn't something that I would read; but it sounds like a book that reaches readers.

Popular authors and titles are going to get lots of reviews, but it would be nice if all genres and formats each had a review guide to share what is available for readers. Libraries can only get books that they are aware of. E-book only books are proof of that. Unless a book has reviews or some kind of publicity libraries can't know it is out there.

I think that not printing negative content is nice, but how are people to get a clear picture without both sides weighing in. I think positive and negative reviews can be constructive feedback for both the author and the reader.

I use the Book Page for personal review. I usually just read authors similar to my favorites, unless I come across something that sounds really interesting. I don't usually look at many reviews, but reviews can be helpful in finding new authors or books that are interesting that you might miss otherwise. Such as a new author's first release or a genre that you don't normally read.


  1. I agree that it would be nice if there was a review guide for all genres and formats. It's unfortunate that a lot of good, self-published authors are unlikely to gain traction in libraries due to their work being, most likely, ebook only and unreviewed.
